The British Council of Shopping Centres (BCSC) has joined forces with the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) for a seminar on the role of retail in the urban regeneration of London.
The event will take place from 3-6pm on Tuesday 13 May at City Hall, London. Topics will include retail and the London Plan, achieving high quality urban design through retail environments and delivering retail-led regeneration through partnerships. Speakers will include deputy mayor of London Nicky Gavron; BCSC vice president Andrew Ogg, CABE chief executive Jon Rouse and Land Securities director Mike McGuinness.
BCSC president John Richards said: 'Record levels of investment in town and city centres, the publication of guidance by BCSC and CABE and the establishment of the GLA and the mayor's draft London Plan make this a pivotal time to bring together those involved in the delivery of the retail-led regeneration of London.'
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