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Never knowingly undersold. now with caveats that make it worthless.

A product line up that is 75% brands available elsewhere. no exclusivity. very low gross margin.

A vast amount of money spent on a reckless decision by Andy Street to spend vast amounts to deliver online that has created next to no incremental sales as it has transferred sales from stores with of course huge additional costs. far too big and far too early.

A demotivated store staff team that has paid the price for the online folly with redundancies and the worst bonus for many decades.

given all the issues we have what we should now do is to rebrand the entire business and call it john lewis and partners.

most of its ordinary customers will think that partners means that somehow it is now not owned 100% by John Lewis rather than think oh thats brilliant as it now means...... well,nothing. the customer will not give them any credit for the change. it makes no difference to them.

the staff on the shop floor are sick of the senior management who continue to deliver meaningless actions that they see as yet more wasted money which they believe is nothing short of daft . they of course have asked how much is this going to cost? no actual amount revealed as they know that staff will say its a waste of money.

sometimes a rebrand becomes critical as it does tell the customer that things have changed and staff can be motivated to support a new journey as it signals a new beginning. in almost all cases the work is done before the rebrand. seems to me that they have a long way to go before a rebrand will add any value. commonly known as arse about face!

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