We hope that the answers to these frequently asked questions will help you to get the best out of Retail Navigator.

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How is the calendar year applied to retailer data?

As all retailers report their financial data at different times based on different start/end dates, we classify these into the year in which most of the reported sales occurred, for better comparability.

In practice, this means that results with a year-end date up to and including 30th June 2021 will be reported in our data as FY2020. Results with a year-end date from 1 July 2021 (until 30th June 2022) will be reported in our data as FY2021.

To find the year-end date for a retailer, look in the Financials section of that retailer’s profile, which will specify exactly when the year ended.

What is the basis for our forecasts?

We use regression forecasting methods as the basis for our forecast figures, meaning that we look at a retailer’s past performance together with trends such as inflation to determine the next five years.

Our analysts also then review each retailer individually to take into account other factors, such as recent performance, investments, portfolio adjustments and innovation ratings to calculate the most accurate forecast possible.

In the Financials tab for each retailer you will see that we have outlined the basis on which the forecasts for that retailer were made.

Please note: Although we make reasonable efforts to make this content as accurate as possible, we cannot be held responsible for its accuracy and timeliness or any business decisions made based on it.

How do I download data for a single retailer?

First, go to the retailer’s Retail Navigator profile and open the Dashboard tab.

Navigator Tesco dashboard

 Next, select the option for Full data download:


Next, hover over the table and select the menu and then More options:


And finally, choose Export data:


You will also be offered a choice of Excel or CSV format.