All articles by Tim Danaher – Page 25
West End retailers call for longer Boxing Day trading hours
Retailers including Arcadia, Debenhams and Selfridges have backed a campaign to allow stores to open for a full trading day on Boxing Day, which this year falls on a Sunday.
George Osborne finds some friends
Shadow chancellor George Osborne needs all the help he can get, but he’s scored a real coup today with many of retail’s top leaders coming out to support his plans to reverse the government’s planned rise in National Insurance.
HMV: Music to investors’ ears?
HMV continues to diversify its offer but will its new ventures pay off?
What’s the big idea for Waterstone’s?
When Simon Fox took the reins at HMV most people didn’t give him a prayer. But his focus on reinventing the brand and creating imaginative revenue streams has given the old dog a new lease of life.
Cook! Sort of....
Frozen ready meals retailer Cook has opened round the corner from me. Which given my reliance on food which comes from plastic containers, could turn out to be a Godsend.
Ugly word, ugly concept?
Commercialisation of malls is a concept hated by retailers but becoming more and more important to centre owners. But if they’re going to do it, they have to think of their tenants.
Clever books for clever people
Promoting Ant & Dec in Hampstead and the England football team in Glasgow was a recipe for disaster for Waterstones
John Lewis at Home wants high street site
John Lewis is seeking a site to trial its John Lewis at Home format in a town centre after the success of its first retail park store in Poole.
Carpetright warning a sign of things to come
This week’s profit warning from Carpetright should be taken seriously as an indication that no one can bank on a rapid, unbroken recovery.
Automation’s what you need?
I’m no expert on the world of supply chain but one thing I do know is that there’s no bigger name in that vital yet unglamorous part of the retail world than Lawrence Christensen.
Clinton Cards profits soar after buying back Birthdays
Clinton Cards has reported a 28.8% increase in interim profits, on the back of group sales up 20.8%, driven by the re-acquisition of the Birthdays business.
Inconvenience stores
As a lifelong resident of south London I feel like I’ve been given a life sentence to shopping at Sainsbury’s. The weak link is the convenience stores.
The unsustainable growth in property costs
Rents may not be rising at the speed they were, but the growth in overall costs of occupying retail property is still out of control.
This is not just consigned to the dustbin
A big day for M&S today as the legendary “this is not just…” food advertising slogan has been consigned to history.
Strong results galvanise John Lewis and Waitrose
John Lewis and Waitrose both produced strong performances in the week of their annual results announcement.
Capital Shopping Centres opens Eldon Square extension
Capital Shopping Centres may not be a high profile developer but it owns more of the UK’s top 30 centres than any other landlord.
Why Superdry boss will need 2020 vision
An unscientific survey admittedly, but an analysis of the branded hoodies on a flight back from the French Alps last week revealed that even Abercrombie & Fitch was being left in the wake of Superdry.
The UK’s poshest Council House
Everyone always says how ugly Birmingham is but its easy to forget that it has some of the UK’s finest civic architecture, and we were privileged today to hold our future of the high street conference in the splendid Victorian setting of the city’s Council House.
A lesson in Anthropologie
Writing from Virgin Trains’ woeful standard class on my way to Retail Week’s conference on the future of the high street in Birmingham.