All Warehousing articles – Page 10

  • Charlotte Hardie

    Supply chain: At the heart of retail


    SuperGroup’s supply chain-induced woes have been a timely reminder of just how much financial success hinges on a smooth supply chain operation.

  • Shop Direct's website

    The catalogue retailer comes of age online


    Shop Direct has evolved from a catalogue retailer to a slick online operator. As it moves towards profit, Gemma Goldfingle visits its headquarters.

  • Analysis

    On shaky ground


    The opening of several major city centre developments will transform cities across the country, while the end of empty property rate relief is likely to send rents soaring. Ben Cooper examines some of the key property issues facing retailers in 2008

  • BQNight

    Retail parks innovate as DIY stores slow expansion


    As the UK’s DIY big-boxers slow expansion plans, downsize and even consider closing stores, landlords need to take innovative action to revive their parks, says Mark Faithfull

  • HomestoreMore

    No pain no gain


    After a gloomy 24 months, the lettings market is beginning to pick up, but often because owners have cut the rent rather than a rush of new retailers eager to take space. John Ryanreports

  • Monopoly board

    Batten down the hatches


    The lettings market for retail parks has faltered as bulky goods retailers start to feel the pinch from the downturn in consumer spending, so is this affecting the red-hot investment market? Jessica Price Brown consults the experts

  • Analysis

    A walk in the park


    Retail parks are trying to compete with town centre rivals by giving shoppers more reasons to stick around when they visit. Liz Morrell reports on the rise of experience-led schemes

  • Next_Homefascia

    Growing pains


    Retail parks have evolved in a way that few could have envisaged five years ago. But is the rise of powerful fashion offers and comfortable coffee houses enough to gloss over deeper issues for some schemes? Mark Faithfull reports

  • Opinion

    The tide is turning for retail parks


    A tough market has forced landlords to be more creative with their space to pull in retailers