The Office of Fair Trading has invited comment on Tesco's proposed£53.7 million acquisition of c-store business Adminstore.
Big Food Group chief executive Bill Grimsey wrote to the OFT on Wednesday, arguing that the deal should be referred to the Competition Commission.
The Association of Convenience Stores was finalising its comments as Retail Week went to press.
The deadline for comments to the OFT is February 6 and deliberations will be finished by February 20.
Comment is invited on 'whether the merged entity would give rise to a combined share of 25 per cent or more'. But Tesco is likely to receive clearance because the Competition Commission defines the convenience market as distinct from one-stop supermarkets.
Tesco's acquisition is the latest move as the convenience sector consolidates.
Symbol group Londis is up for grabs, as is corner shop business TM Group.
- Somerfield intends to extend its relationship with German non-food retailer Tchibo. At present, there are Tchibo concessions in six Somerfield stores.
- Comment: page 10.
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