Morrisons has brought back its Big Pay Day Price Crunch campaign to capitalise on January pay packets.

The grocer has not run the campaign since last October and has taken out national press adverts to promote the offer.

The retailer is offering “better than half price” deals on a number of wines and bulk buy offers on beer as many consumers begin to drink alcohol again after a dry January.

On January 2, Morrisons launched the Great British Price Crunch slashing prices “thousands” of items and cutting “hundreds” more prices in half.

The Big Pay Day Price Crunch chimes with chief executive Dalton Philips assertion in November that customers are bulk buying just after pay day   and it is tailoring its promotions in line with this.

Philips said: “What they are doing at the start of the month is clubbing together with their friends to buy in bulk or buying in bulk to freeze. So around pay day we offer lots of discounts on bulk items, such as the big packs of beer.”

Morrisons also offers Saver Stamps which can be redeemed in November and December. Customers receive a free £1 off stamps when they spend £49 and 2 free £1 off stamps when they spend £98.