The retailer unveiled a 4.7 per cent rise in like-for-like sales for the 8 weeks to January 7. The group's sports arm notched up a 6 per cent sales increase, but the fashion arm lagged behind with a 7.5 per cent fall in sales.
However, JD's performance was better than the group had expected. It added that, although a disappointing result, the fashion business accounts for less than 10 per cent of total group turnover.
The retailer now expects to outstrip market expectations of about£14.8 million for full-year group earnings.
John David executive chairman Peter Cowgill said: 'We are pleased with our performance over the Christmas period and believe it demonstrates that our consumer offer and operational strategy are resulting in an improving performance from the group.'
Seymour Pierce analyst Richard Ratner added: 'Overall, a goodish performance and we raise our estimate from£14.5 million to£15.7 million, but leave next year at£20 million. Much better quality in terms of its differentiated offer than JJB Sports and definitely much better management.'
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