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Ian - Indeed, i have experienced both - however i've never gone into anything with my eyes closed.

In all honesty it's moving in the right direction( i know you will disagree Ian) with monthly rents and Landlords taking a more sympathetic view, but lets not forget everyone is in business to make money and the subject of leases always comes out when someone fails. We forget the ones who are growing and when a retailer fails their market share becomes a feeding frenzy for those who are thriving, basis retail cycle- Front page of this retail week - "Where Woolworths sales have gone " The top 16 - They are on a lease too surely ?

The market forces you mention - that would be the competition and us the consumer i presume, therefore if you're not selling what the consumer wants at a price they want it then they are going to go to the competition and buy it cheaper unless you're competitive on price !

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