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Anon - I don't disagree. I've said many times I think things are going in the right direction and landlords are indeed being more realistic and pragmatic *at the moment*. I just hope that doesn't all go out the window when things pick up again and we end up back here in a few years time. A few soft deals on rent now won't help much if, come the first review, you are facing a huge increase.

I find it a little bemusing though that you end your comment with a reference to competitiveness in a changing market but, still seem to cling to the idea that property developers and landlords should be exempt from that equation. Market forces hit everyone, tenants and landlords alike. The difference being that tenants have to put up with the day to day realities of commerce. You have a poor year and you are struggling to cover overheads. Artificialities such as upwards only reviews seek to remove landlords from those vagaries and that’s just not equitable, or indeed sensible, knowing what we know now.

Everyone goes into a deal with open eyes. No one *expects* to fall on hard times. So its a bit pointless slinging around easy platitudes when the reality is staring us both in the face. If its a choice between signing an unfair lease and not having a store any retailer is going to take the store, they realistically don't have a choice.

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