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The question we should all be asking under the rule of democracy is why has this committee decided that wrong doing has taken place, what evidence do they actually have and why do they believe that a public hearing would best serve the rule of law under democracy ?

The answer of course is that these hearings are nothing more than witch trials entirely designed to self publicise the disgraceful left wing champagne socialists acting on behalf of the Unite union that is the paymaster of the failing Labour Party who seek to vilify the rich under the disguise of defending the poor .

Mr Ashley is entirely right to seek fair and reasonable conditions in order to be questioned as he knows only to well that a public trial where attention seeking politically motivated MPs such as Frank Wright can under parliamentary privilege speak outside the law materially damaging his reputation and company without any law having been broken.

Does that sound like democracy ? I don't think so . Mr Ashley has been targeted by the Unite Union who have hijacked democracy . I hope he continues to resist until they agree to a democratic hearing under the law.

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