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Another set of disgraceful untrue headlines that has nothing to do with worthwhile news other than to expose the continuing socialist trend to attack anything that can generate headlines for the benefit of socialist MPs and unions who have an agenda of social disruption with the aim of acquiring power for there own benefit.

Thankfully in this case retail week have balanced the story which as we can see fully negates the rhetoric propagated by those intent on social division without justification or alternative .

The committees actions on sports direct led by the insidious unite union has made no genuine difference to its members pay or conditions but has of course increased its revenues from increased members who joined under the false hope that they would see increased pay and conditions.

Genuine representation of workers and there rights is a good thing and all good companies like ASOS clearly agree so why the need to attack them when they are not guilty as charged.

Mr Wright and his cronies are a disgrace to our country as anything they say is entirely divisive with little to no value at all . Collectively the retail industry led by retail week should stand up to defend ourselves from those that seek to destroy those individuals and companies that are rightly and lawfully engaged in there business.

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