With resilient food retailers sourcing product from more sustainable sources, Ireland’s national scheme Origin Green measures targets at every stage.
In today’s world, businesses and consumers alike are becoming increasingly aware of the sources behind the food they buy.
Launched in 2012, Origin Green, Ireland’s national sustainability programme, enables food and drink suppliers to incorporate sustainability into all areas of the supply chain, with independent verification.
It is the only sustainability programme in the world operating on a national scale, uniting government, the private sector and food producers through Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board.
Independently verified by SGS, this voluntary programme enables Ireland’s farmers, food and drink producers and retail and food-service operators to set and achieve measurable sustainability targets. This helps them to reduce environmental impact, serve local communities more effectively and protect the rich natural resources that Ireland enjoys.
Ireland enjoys a strong reputation as a source of natural, high-quality food, drink and ingredients. With a temperate climate and green countryside, it is in a strong starting position for sustainable food and drink production.
“Ireland enjoys a strong reputation for high-quality food, drink and ingredients. With a temperate climate and green countryside, it is in a strong starting position for sustainable production”
Sustainability is becoming a key criteria within retailers’ buying remits and, in recent years, a number of speciality private labels have developed sustainable lines, representing another opportunity for the industry.
The Origin Green programme is tried and tested at every point along the supply chain. It’s that very resilience that can help make food businesses grow more resilient too.
Origin Green by numbers
- Origin Green’s 248 verified members now account for more than 90% of Ireland’s total food and drink exports portfolio, signalling the fourth consecutive year of growth.
- The entire base of 581 Origin Green participating companies accounts for 95% of total food and drink exports, highlighting the ongoing and sustained commitment of Irish food and drink manufacturers towards sustainability.
- For more information,
click here.
Henry Horkan is market manager for Bord Bia UK (Irish Food Board).
Contact him here.

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