All articles by Tony Gregg
‘Will 2025 be remembered as a year of retail leadership change?’
It’s been five years since the pandemic hit, and retail has had a torrid time. Having steered businesses through tough times a significant number of leaders may choose this year to move on, believes headhunter Tony Gregg
‘US election and England football manager search show importance of succession planning’
High-profile leadership changes in politics and sport hold lessons in succession planning that can help retailers ease the transition from one leader to the next, says Tony Gregg
‘Boots’ back-to-the-office diktat is clinging to a past that no longer exists’
Just as employees must recognise that a business has the right to dictate the terms of their employment, businesses must understand that talent retention is contingent on working policies that align with candidates’ expectations, argues Tony Gregg.
‘Back-to-office commands will drive talented people to your rivals’
Relations between employers and employees over the right to flexible working are showing signs of strain, observes Tony Gregg
‘With the world of retail rapidly changing, employers must move with the times’
The shift to more flexible working and a greater focus on mental wellbeing has made the jobs market more competitive, writes Tony Gregg, but this presents an opportunity, not a threat.
‘Agility and breadth of experience most desired traits in refreshed retail boardrooms’
The weeks leading up to Christmas are usually a quiet time in the jobs market as retailers fix their focus on Christmas trading and decisions over recruitment are deferred until January.
Move of the Week: McDonnell climbs ranks to Lidl GB top spot
The news that Ryan McDonnell will replace Christian Härtnagel as boss of Lidl GB will have come as no great shock to anyone familiar with the retailer’s recruitment strategy.
Move of the Week: New Asda chair Lord Rose on hunt for CEO
Lord Stuart Rose’s appointment this week as chair of Asda came as no great surprise.
Move of the Week: Perkins to lead In The Style growth journey
Sam Perkins describes himself as being “at my best in highly ambitious, entrepreneurial and collaborative organisations with a strong emphasis on data and technology”.
Move of the Week: What will luxury veteran Jonathan Akeroyd bring to Burberry?
Jonathan Akeroyd’s appointment as new Burberry chief executive should serve to ease some of the concerns surrounding the future of the fashion giant.
Move of the Week: Feather’s return to retail is a boon for Very and the industry
Robbie Feather’s next executive role could hardly be more different from his last.
‘Flexibility will be crucial for getting staff to stay during the Great Resignation’
It has been dubbed the Great Resignation: the trend for employees to leave their jobs voluntarily as the coronavirus pandemic unwinds.
Move of the Week: Retailers shift into recovery mode and shake up top teams
As always during the summer holiday season activity in the jobs market was relatively subdued during August, albeit with one notable exception that I shall come to shortly.
Move of the Week: Mitchell the latest savvy appointment for John Lewis
John Lewis has been among the most active recruiters since the turn of the year and this week it revealed another significant senior hire with Kathleen Mitchell joining as trading director.
Move of the Week: It’s no surprise Amazon looked to UK for grocery leadership
Tony Hoggett’s decision to leave Tesco for Amazon is a seismic move that will reverberate throughout the UK grocery sector.
‘For the retail jobs market, this is the calm before the storm’
Monday was meant to herald England’s so-called ‘Freedom Day’. Initially planned for June 21, it has now been delayed until July 19 at the earliest.
Move of the Week: Waitrose recruits outside partnership for top retail role
Waitrose’s appointment of the Co-op’s Tina Mitchell as its new retail director is significant for a number of reasons.
Move of the Week: John Lewis fills gaps at the top to face post-Covid balancing act
I’ve noted before how the leadership teams that took retailers into the pandemic will not be the same as those that lead their recovery. This is especially true of retailers most disrupted by Covid-19 – specifically those whose heritage is in stores and who sell discretionary items likes homewares and fashion.
Move of the Week: Marks & Spencer takes big leap forward in its leadership team
The promotions of Stuart Machin and Katie Bickerstaffe announced this week mark a significant step in the evolution of the M&S leadership team.
‘As the jobs market reopens, be ready to seize opportunities’
For the 3 million people who work in British retail, the past 12 months have, almost without exception, been extremely challenging. Whether you’ve been stretched to your limit working for an ‘essential’ retailer or faced with the uncertainty of being furloughed, I wager it’s not an experience many would wish to repeat.