All articles by Tony Gregg – Page 3
Move of the Week: Morrisons' new marketing chief Rachel Eyre
At a time of great change and disruption, acquiring and retaining talented individuals has arguably never been more important.
Move of the Week: Big shoes to fill at Booker and Amazon
It’s taken less than a fortnight for the jobs’ market to explode back into life after the summer break with two significant appointments confirmed within hours of one another earlier this week.
Move of the Week: People director Nikki Humphrey faces a challenge at JLP
Out of the frying pan and into the fire. This is the obvious conclusion to draw from Nikki Humphrey’s decision to leave Virgin Atlantic to become John Lewis Partnership’s new executive director for people.
Move of the Week: Wilko’s new CFO will need to hit the ground running
It’s a difficult time for anyone employed in retail, and thoughts are with those who have already lost their job or face an anxious wait to see if it still exists as bosses pick through the wreckage caused by Covid-19.
Opinion: Covid-19 has widened the retail talent pool
As an optimist, it’s in my nature to look for silver linings in difficult situations – and in recruitment terms, I think I’ve found one.
Opinion: Four ways to maintain healthy work/life balance WFH
I’ve noted several times over recent weeks how Covid-19 has tested the retail (and wider) workforce like never before.
Opinion: How to sustain team culture while home working
The office dynamic cannot be replicated entirely at home, but businesses can take steps to ensure people continue to feel engaged and valued
Opinion: How to ace a virtual job interview
It barely needs repeating that retail is entering a ‘new normal’. Some changes, such as social distancing in shops, will hopefully be temporary, while others are set to become a permanent feature of the new business landscape.
Opinion: Retail leaders need to think big post-lockdown
When non-essential stores reopen their doors from Monday, almost three months will have passed since the UK went into lockdown.
Move of the Week: New Sainsbury’s boss Roberts sets out his stall
Quick decision making is a business necessity in the current climate as retailers respond to the evolving coronavirus crisis. New Sainsbury’s boss Simon Roberts has certainly wasted no time in shaking up his top team, marking his first day in the job with a duo of significant promotions.
Opinion: Flexibility will be key in post-pandemic jobs market
Worries about job security will, I’m sure, be dominating the thoughts of many people working in retail right now.
Opinion: Job retention scheme extension is welcome news for retail
As we begin to descend the coronavirus mountain – to borrow the prime minister’s analogy – the thoughts of business leaders have turned to the question of how to get Britain back to work.
Move of the Week: Bray’s Amazon exit is a warning sign
What impact will Covid-19 have on talent acquisition and retention? It’s a question I found myself pondering this week on reading the news that a senior Amazon executive has quit over its treatment of warehouse workers.
Move of the Week: Waitrose's Bailey is the kind of leader you want in a crisis
When James Bailey left Sainsbury’s in October it’s unlikely he would have imagined his next role to be leading a rival grocer’s response to the biggest public health crisis in a century.
Opinion: The other frontline workers need emotional support too
Last week I wrote about the importance of furloughed employees looking after their own health and wellbeing during these turbulent times.
Opinion: Furloughed employees must put their wellbeing first
As the state of lockdown continues, retail employees, broadly speaking, fit into three categories at present.
Opinion: Get exec pay right to ensure credit in the bank with shoppers
As many businesses are forced to furlough staff or in the worst cases make redundancies, the remuneration of high earners has understandably come under the microscope.
Move of the Week: Ted Baker’s new boss faces its toughest ever test
It is testament to the job Rachel Osborne has done under the most difficult of circumstances that the former Debenhams finance chief has been trusted to lead Ted Baker through the toughest period in its history.
Opinion: Exceptional times call for compassionate leaders
Across the UK, and the world, millions of employees will have packed up their desks this past week and retreated to the sanctuary of their own homes.
Opinion: Coronavirus will force retailers to rewrite rules of recruitment
It is inevitable that the coronavirus outbreak will cause significant disruption both to business and to our everyday lives.