By Richard Lim13 December 2019
So it’s all over, bar the shouting. The Conservative Party has won what is being described as a “historic” victory.
It swept aside Labour in its traditional heartlands leading to the biggest Tory majority in Westminster since Margaret Thatcher’s 1987 election victory.
The Labour Party will have performed worse than they did with Michael Foot’s ‘longest suicide note in history’ – its worst result since 1935, in fact. The SNP’s grip on Scotland appears to have tightened and the other parties have once again been, by and large, shut out of national politics.
Labour is currently pinning most (if not all) of the blame on Brexit. Its main claim is that, on the other issues, it won the argument. However, given the scale of the defeat, this simply doesn’t stand up. Voters have not only rejected its nuanced Brexit stance but have also rejected its plans for the economy more broadly.
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