Opinion: Boris Johnson will be a great PM for business

Boris Johnson UK prime minister

Retail has faced some daunting challenges over the years, but new prime minister Boris Johnson can place the UK in the top three economies in the world, providing the sector with major opportunities, says Ideal Shopping boss Jamie Martin

Boris Johnson isn’t your standard politician. However, he is a decision-maker, he’s determined, and I firmly believe he will secure Brexit as promised while supporting the nation’s businesses.

There is always a sense of nervousness and excitement associated with change and leading the UK at such a pivotal time is not going to come without its difficulties. There’s certainly a lot on his plate in terms of reviewing projected North-South transport links, making key decisions to protect a split nation from threats such as conflict with Iran, and uniting the divisions in his own party.

But unlike his predecessors, he brings a lot more positivity to Westminster and so my prediction is any negatives surrounding Johnson becoming prime minister will be short-lived.


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