Experiential high streets and social media are set to drive retail footfall over peak season, according to MRI Software’s outlook shared exclusively with Retail Week.

As shoppers and retailers gear up for Black Friday and Christmas, MRI marketing and insights director Jenni Matthews said physical retail is “still going to be very strong” during the golden quarter. High streets are forecast to see a 5% rise in footfall in December due to experience-led visits.

“That’s likely to be because of the Christmas markets, events and the attractions put on,” Matthews told Retail Week.

“High streets will likely see the biggest uplift, but we’ve got to remember that they experience significant highs and drops if they’re affected by outdoor elements.”

Much of the uplift is likely to start from Black Friday, with last year’s event boosting footfall across all UK retail destinations by 8% week on week.

Retail parks and Shopping centres are also expected to perform well in December, with MRI predicting a 2.2% rise in shopping centres and a 1.1% rise in retail parks.

Matthews says social media is also set to play a part in giving consumers reasons to visit stores.

“A great example of this is B&M and The Range as they use social media videos to promote new products.

“There’s a high volume of people that will go straight into the store and buy those products as a result, so social media is a great way to drive footfall and sales.”

She adds that a survey conducted by MRI showed that around 47% of retailers have seen a boost in in-store sales as a result of promoting on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.

With consumer confidence in personal finances and the general economic situation much improved on last year, Matthews said this could cause Christmas shopping to start post halloween.

She does note, however, that with supermarkets already displaying Christmas food, decorations and other items, this could influence early spending.