The European Union’s plans to impose a customs duty on cheap goods would impact imports from online retailers and Shein’s London listing, The Guardian has reported.


EU plans for a customs duty on cheap goods may impact Shein’s London float goals

The EU looks likely to move ahead with the plan, filling in a loophole that helps online retailers such as Shein and Temu do business in mainland Europe.

The move could potentially get in the way of Shein’s London listing as it would affect the fashion giant’s business in the region.

The news comes after reports that Shein may pull the plug on its highly anticipated £50bn London float amid growing criticism of its business practices in the UK.

Attacks on the brand have come from politicians, the press, other retailers and investors.

The British Fashion Council was the most recent body to voice its concerns, saying the listing was a “significant concern” to the industry and that “questions remain” about Shein’s business practices.