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I urge everyone to view the exchange between Mr Franks and Mr Ashley and ask what you would do if you were running a company that was accused by the Unite union and various left wing labour politicians of wrong doing even though they have no evidence that the law has been broken ? not one single fact of law breaking has been claimed.

I for one am very grateful that the very very far left Mr Franks and the disgraceful Unite union have been stupid enough to have picked on someone who is more than capable of defending himself in this appalling abuse of parliamentary privileges which I believe is entirely personally motivated.

It would of course be simple for them to ensure that the meeting is held away from the red top press and avoid making public disgraceful comments as the purpose of the investigation, given that no law has been broken, is on completion of there investigation to pass any recommendations they think will improve the law to the house to consider a change of law and not to gain personal notoriety in the process.

Mr Franks is in my opinion an opportunist who should not be allowed to use his Parliamentary privilege as an elected MP to pursue a personal agenda fuelled by the Unite union who are the power behind Mr Franks and the rest of the Labour party which in itself is a clear abuse of democracy. the ambition of the Unite union is to gain power without election.

the chosen strategy employed by Mr Franks is not what the BIS committee has been set up to do. it is already a disgraceful media circus and Mr Franks is guilty of bringing the houses of Parliamentary in to disrepute and by association every member of that committee who must now act to remove Mr Franks with immediate effect or stand guilty of the same.

we must all stand up for the rights of the individual to be treated correctly within the laws of the land with common decency which in this case is sadly lacking .

we are as a country known worldwide for our fairness and we should not allow Mr Franks to propagate his personal agenda no matter what anyone thinks of Mr Ashley who has every right as indeed we all do to be treated respectfully within the law. should we not then chaos will reign.


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