15 comments By

  • It's not in retreat. It's just integrated in a much less clunky and jarring way. It's simply a more subtle enabler rather than being an entertainment in it own right.

  • How many time does Sir Ian have to say he doesn't want that job before people believe that he does not want that job.

  • I think Garry Wilson and the team at Endless have shown themselves to be no fools in retail. They quietly get on with it - with the results to show for it at the end.

  • Can we read into this that there is maybe a little sympathy in Mothercare for the exit of Simon Calver.
    I'd suggest this the tip of the iceberg in terms of the City and retail's lack of understanding of what is involved in going multi-channel. Here's more thoughts

  • That's the reality. Do any boards really understand digital? Very few is probably the answer. Devolve power to the youngsters.

  • That's a long response Neil S. I can only assume you are not that comfortable about having featured in the programme. It seemed obvious from the outset that the key claims being put forward by C4 has Harry were largely baseless.

    Commented on: 18 September 2012

    George MacDonald

    Comment: Dispatches' Poundland investigation

  • This marks a reversal of the trend for retailers to go into banking. It's clearly not that attractive to go in that direction any more.
    Was watching the England game this week in same pub as Andy Hornby - who famously went from Asda to HSBC - and is now at bookies Gala Coral. At least he now knows all about risk management.

  • Dolphin does sound a rather apt name under the circumstances.

  • He was great company. I remember taking him for lunch at the Berkeley Hotel when I worked on Retail Week. He enjoyed it so much he felt he needed to reward me. He gave me the tip-off that the Hamleys chairman was to get the chop. As ever, Nigel was exactly correct. On returning the favour of a meal he took me to Langans where a piece of grit in my seafood starter bust one of my teeth. Always a story with Nigel.

    Commented on: 24 February 2011


    Retail mourns Nigel Whittaker

  • Figleaves, Confetti, Lovefilm....There is a lot of M&A activity taking place involving some of the UK's early dotcom pioneers.
    Some are being recognised as having created a decent amount of value, whereas others would appear to have created very little over the past decade or so.
    I wonder who will be next to sell out - for big bucks or for nothing?

    Commented on: 20 September 2010


    Amazon in bid for Lovefilm

  • It will be interesting to see how Ocado is treated now that it is open to a proper valuation in the open market away from the security of the founders' protection and over-hyping. The baby has left its parents and is among the wolves where there is little sympathy right now as shown by early analyst recommendations of 'Sell' from Oriel and Shore Capital.

    Commented on: 21 July 2010

    A humbling experience?

  • I suspect £11.5 million was at the bottom of expectations. It looks a good deal for N Brown and shows the company is a leader in the continued consolidation. It also takes the company very much down the route of appealing to a younger customer base.

    Commented on: 15 June 2010


    N Brown snaps up Figleaves

  • An interesting article, which leads you to draw the obvious conclusion that all age groups are now shopping in a multichannel way. Yes, there are different routes to adoption and different speeds with which people arrive at the stage of being multichannel shoppers but all the evidence suggests all age ranges are getting there in the end. Those single channel retailers that haven't dissed this yet are walking slowly into trouble.

  • This blows out of the water the long-standing gripe by Tesco that the major banks are ripping it off with their extortionate payment card (interchange) charges.
    Now that Tesco is wanting to become a big bank it also seems to want the big fees too. And the people who are being forced to pay them are other retailers.

  • With online sales continuing to grow at a fair clip it is inconceivable that Morrisons will not make a move into providing an online service. The company had plenty to go at with its food proposition when Marc Bolland joined but now that much of the low-hanging fruit has been picked it will be up to Dalton Philips to drive new areas of growth i.e. online.
    Re: 'dark stores' - when John Browett was running he always stated that there was lots of mileage to be gained from the in-store picking model before the company had to open 'dark stores' and he was exactly right because 10 years later and Tesco has only felt the need to open two so far.

    Commented on: 12 March 2010

    Jennifer Creevy

    Tesco’s dotcom model