Number of vacant shops falls for first time since 2018

Tourists and shoppers crossing busy Regents Street

The overall store vacancy rate across the UK improved in the final quarter of 2021 as the number of vacant stores declined for the first time since the start of 2018.

The rate of store vacancies across Great Britain stood at 14.4% in the final quarter of 2021, according to the BRC-LDC Vacancy Monitor. This marked a slight improvement from the 14.5% reported in the third quarter and was 0.7% higher than the same quarter in 2020.

Vacancies in shopping centres improved to 19.1% in the fourth quarter compared with 19.4% in the third.

High street vacancies also declined slightly to 14.4% in the fourth quarter of the year. This figure was 14.5% in the third quarter. 


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