Fashion marketplace SilkFred has unveiled its AI-powered personal shopping experience, which uses a recommendation engine called ‘Fred’ to “build your perfect wardrobe”.

The womenswear marketplace, which stocks fashion brands including Pretty Lavish, Never Fully Dressed and AX Paris, said the tool “analyses users’ shopping habits” including dwell time, browsing and purchase history to recommend bespoke clothing and accessory options.

‘Fred’ is the marketplace’s new personal shopping tool and the business said it hopes it will “save shoppers time” as well as adding the “luxury of personal recommendations”.

SilkFred chief executive Emma Watkinson said: “We understand that finding unique and stylish clothing can be overwhelming in today’s fast-paced fashion world. That’s why we’ve invested in the latest AI technology to create a seamless and personalised shopping experience for our customers to be served clothes they will love from independent brands.

“What sets SilkFred’s recommendation engine apart is its ability to understand and adapt to your unique fashion preferences over time. The more you browse and shop on SilkFred, the smarter the recommendation engine becomes, constantly learning and improving its suggestions to suit your evolving style.

“We’re excited to offer our customers a personalised styling experience like never before, fully utilising the latest innovation AI has to offer in the shopping space.

“Our recommendation engine is constantly evolving and improving, and we’re confident that it will become an invaluable style companion for our customers worldwide. We’re already getting some incredible feedback.”