Revving up: How forecourts are setting a new direction in travel retail

Gridserve Braintree 2

The rise of the staycation, localism and increased use of electric vehicles are set to transform how shoppers use forecourts. How are retailers and operators looking to respond?

The coronavirus pandemic has been a double-edged sword for forecourt operators. While fuel volumes have been battered by frequent lockdowns (Shell says they were down 70% during the first national lockdown last year), retail sales have ridden to the rescue.

Lumina Intelligence’s UK forecourt market report 2021 shows that compared with the convenience average forecourt shoppers are visiting more frequently, spending more time in store and increasing their basket size, resulting in an average spend of over £15.

Often situated in densely populated areas, the convenience and accessibility offered by service stations has placed them in the sweet spot of two key pandemic trends.


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