Fashion retailer Crew Clothing has rolled out a new tech feature to improve operations in its 105 stores in partnership with cloud management solutions company Cegid.

Crew Clothing

Crew Clothing has expanded on an existing partnership with Cegid

Expanding on an existing partnership that leverages Cegid’s task management and retail operations platform, dubbed Retail Store Excellence, Crew Clothing has adopted its Newsfeed feature across stores.

Newsfeed aims to bridge gaps between the retailer’s management and store teams to keep employees “engaged, informed and connected to the brand’s vision”.

Company-wide updates can be seen by teams, as well as updates based on the staff’s individual store, role and interests.

Cegid said the feature “optimises communication” and maintains essential channels while allowing users to “control their newsfeed content, reducing noise and enhancing engagement”.

Crew Clothing retail operations and customer experience manager Charlotte Eaves said this forms part of the retailer’s move away from desktop computers to tablets.

“Rather than having multiple sources of information, stores have one dashboard. The fact that staff can go to one location on the tablet and navigate to different functions is a huge benefit,” she added.

“Each week we have a structured routine for how we send our communications, so instead of having to do everything from scratch, we have lots of pre-set templates, which makes things easier. 

“We can also see when stores have read updates. When you combine that with tasking, which is built into the platform, it’s priceless.”

“As a result of using Cegid Retail Store Excellence, we’ve been able to simplify our tech stack by eliminating a platform we had used for several years and removing the need for stores to access our central intranet as all the information and files are now on the platform.” 

Cegid UK managing director Alan Holcroft added: “Crew Clothing is a real success story in how it is continuing to grow the business and leverage technology to empower its store teams to be successful.

“Cegid Retail Store Excellence has become the de facto standard for helping retailers achieve superior retail operations, and it’s fair to say that the Crew team has played its part in making the platform what it is today.”