Fast fashion retailer Shein confidentially filed paperwork at the beginning of the month to kick off the process for a potential London IPO later in the year, as reported by Reuters.


Shein filed for a London listing at the beginning of the month

The fast fashion giant filed papers with Britain’s market regulator in early June setting its plans for a London listing in motion. 

This comes after it was reported that Shein may pull the plug on its highly anticipated £50bn London float amid growing criticism of the Chinese giant’s business practices in the UK.

Attacks on the brand have come from some politicians, as well as the press, other retailers and investors.

Shein has failed to list in New York after opposition from US lawmakers.

The British Fashion Council is the most recent national body to voice its concerns, saying the listing was a “significant concern” to the industry and that “questions remain” about Shein’s business practices.

There is reportedly growing disquiet in Beijing at the way Shein is being portrayed in the UK, with some in the upper echelons of the Chinese government irked by the criticism it has received.