InterSystems reveals how retailers can achieve a 360-degree understanding of their customer data without compromising on reliability, scalability or security.
Every giant leap in retailing since this revolutionary century began has meant a promotion for the role of data.
Fifteen years ago, the power of smart data in etailing and retailing was barely recognised; now it is a major priority in the boardroom.
“In this new data era, retailers must take stock. Businesses need that 360-degree view; they need unity across their channels”
But it is, we believe, still not high enough on every organisation’s agenda.
In this new data era, retailers must take stock. Businesses need that 360-degree view; they need unity across their channels.
So high are the stakes and the prize, so huge are the levels of data, so big are the ideas, that guesswork simply isn’t an option.
Retail companies need to have a 360-degree view of their own business as much as they do of their customers.
How else can they understand a shopper who one day is browsing in store and the next is at home, browsing on their smartphone or tablet?
Common challenges
These are the big challenges in retailing today:
- Connecting up the data that colleagues get from talking to a shopper in store with that same customer’s online and social media habits
- Creating and managing a system of unified retail commerce that tracks and understands multichannel data
- Using that understanding to tailor perfect offers and deals to the shoppers
- Doing all of the above without compromising on scalability
- Making this all happen seamlessly, and at once.
Modern retailing entails uniquely modern challenges.
Retailers must design and operate powerful unified retail commerce systems that track and analyse multichannel data.
They have to use the data they gather from these systems to truly understand their customers and create perfectly tailored offers and deals to them.
And all of this has to be done perfectly seamlessly, at once, without compromising on scalability.
Never compromise
The biggest businesses have made huge investments in IT systems to get this right and many still do not make full use of the data available.
InterSystems works with organisations across all industries, including healthcare, government, finance and retail. We have seen big data done to perfection, and we have seen the potential available.
“Medium-sized companies need super-fast real-time data and 360-degree understanding without compromising on reliability, scalability or security”
But we understand also that medium-sized companies – the rising stars – simply cannot make investments of hundreds of millions of pounds in IT.
They need to be smart and efficient; they need super-fast real-time data and 360-degree understanding without compromising on reliability, scalability or security.
However, they also need tailored, bespoke packages matching where they are in their journey. SMEs often need guidance to empower their IT teams.
From connecting with the supply chain faster, improving operational efficiency, processing high volumes of data in real time or empowering local store managers, InterSystems offers the expertise in data management, connectivity and real-time analytics that can make such a difference, as well as a 24/7 customer support pledge.
These are the important things to a company on the cusp of something big.
As a force in business, whatever size your company is, data is in the ascendancy. Nobody can afford to be left on the ground.
To find out more about InterSystems, click here.
Mark Palmer, UK & Ireland country manager

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