Holland & Barrett is exclusively trialling the world’s first express DNA test service at selected stores in the UK, offering customers on-the-spot genetic insights for skincare and improved sleep.

The health and wellbeing retailer has launched the service, provided by medical and consumer genetics testing firm DnaNudge, in five stores across the UK.

The in-store test delivers results securely to a customer’s smartphone in just 20 minutes. The service is available now at Holland & Barrett’s stores in Chelmsford in Essex, Bluewater in Kent, Birmingham Bullring, Princes Street in Edinburgh and Queen Street in Oxford.

The cheek-swab DNA test retails at £30 and analyses how quickly an individual can clear caffeine from their system, as well as the impact of oxidative stress on their skin. The digitised results are delivered privately via email and to the DnaNudge mobile app.

Customers can then use their DNA report to find bespoke product recommendations tailored to their unique biology from Holland & Barrett advisers on site.

The test aims to guide customers towards a healthy caffeine intake and timings that are right for them, as well as teach them how to protect their skin from premature aging and other conditions. 

Holland & Barrett head of format Andrew Jones said: “As a leading health and wellness retailer, Holland & Barrett is transforming to be a destination for wellness solutions that are rooted in science.

“We know that our customers are increasingly looking for personalised advice to help positively manage their wellness, and we’re delighted to be bringing this cutting-edge technology for our customers to use to help them understand more about how they can positively impact their health through nutrition and lifestyle changes.”